Kilpailupäivä: 03.12.2018 Viimeinen osallistumispäivä: 29.11.2018 Kilpailupaikka: Stall Fernweh (FERN9204), Sveitsi Vastuuhenkilö: birdie (VRL-14733) |
Säännöt: - 100 hevosta/luokka - 10 hevosta/luokka/omistaja - 6 luokkaa/hevonen - 1 hevonen yhteen luokkaan kerran - ratsastajan VRL-tunnus pakollinen - hevosen VH-tunnus suositeltava - tuloksiin käytetään lyhyttä arvontaa - vain yhteen kutsuun osallistuminen ei ole mahdollista |
Osallistuminen: Sähköpostilla osoitteeseen otsikolla WRJ1-4 allaolevassa muodossa: Luokka [rivinvaihto] Ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - Hevosen nimi VH00-000-0000 |
1. halter tulokset!
2. halter horsemanship tulokset!
3. reining tulokset!
4. freestyle reining tulokset!
5. versatile horse tulokset!
6. western riding tulokset!
7. western pleasure tulokset!
8. western horsemanship tulokset!
9. western trail tulokset!
10. ranch trail tulokset!
11. barrel racing tulokset!
12. pole bending tulokset!
13. keyhole race tulokset!
14. cutting tulokset!
15. reined cow horse tulokset!
16. calf roping tulokset!
17. breakaway roping tulokset!
1. halter 53/100 TT 1. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kinesma 3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Forte 4. birdie (VRL-14733) - Rin Tin Tin 5. half (VRL-11734) - Sunderin Sun VH14-014-0035 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 7. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radical Notion 8. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 10. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuonen Kaipuu 12. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 14. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Iago d'Alvino 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Zapped VH17-057-0001 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sorraya 18. half (VRL-11734) - Jaya Zhirayr ox VH14-003-0039 19. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Blue Arleen VH14-037-0014 20. half (VRL-11734) - Knoxville VH14-014-0036 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Distressing Beat QHA VH17-014-0041 22. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Wäinämö 24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ghita van Khim VH18-040-0023 25. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 26. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 27. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - TuuHa’s Radisa VH04-057-6442 28. birdie (VRL-14733) - Tiptoe Rock'n'Roll 29. half (VRL-11734) - Yamira Ial VH14-003-0045 30. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Loaded Gun VH14-037-0029 31. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Extinguishing VH18-014-0113 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - CHR Kingsized Trouble VH17-014-0018 33. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 34. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Witness's Dominic VH14-014-0033 35. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Gold Fever 36. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 37. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 38. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cassatas Azury 40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Hiatus 41. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 42. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gameking 43. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - CHR Damsel in Distress VH17-014-0017 44. half (VRL-11734) - Jayamey ox VH14-003-0046 45. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sunny Memories QHA VH18-179-0004 46. half (VRL-11734) - Coast Lang VH14-014-0038 47. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Penny in Pocket 48. half (VRL-11734) - Arif Gadiel ox VH18-003-0215 49. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 50. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Burgess VH18-014-0134 51. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - PP’s Zaphar VH14-057-0078 52. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 53. half (VRL-11734) - Firdaws Nazli ox VH18-003-0209 2. halter horsemanship 37/100 TT 1. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 3. birdie (VRL-14733) - Rin Tin Tin 4. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 5. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 7. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Blue Arleen VH14-037-0014 8. half (VRL-11734) - Arif Gadiel ox VH18-003-0215 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radical Notion 10. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 11. half (VRL-11734) - Jayamey ox VH14-003-0046 12. half (VRL-11734) - Sunderin Sun VH14-014-0035 13. half (VRL-11734) - Knoxville VH14-014-0036 14. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 16. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 18. half (VRL-11734) - Coast Lang VH14-014-0038 19. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 20. half (VRL-11734) - Jaya Zhirayr ox VH14-003-0039 21. birdie (VRL-14733) - Tiptoe Rock'n'Roll 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 24. Viveka (VRL-14534) - Liljelunds Grädde Solsken VH18-178-0005 25. half (VRL-11734) - Yamira Ial VH14-003-0045 26. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 27. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 29. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 30. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 31. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 34. half (VRL-11734) - Firdaws Nazli ox VH18-003-0209 35. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 36. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Witness's Dominic VH14-014-0033 37. Viveka (VRL-14534) - Orange Wood's Malibu VH18-178-0003 3. reining 44/100 TT 1. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Miss American Pie VH18-014-0192 2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 3. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 4. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 5. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Rin Tin Tin 7. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Set Go 9. Viveka (VRL-14534) - Orange Wood's Malibu VH18-178-0003 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose 11. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Win Win Ionity 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Becoming Wild 14. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Penny in Pocket 15. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 16. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 18. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 19. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ana Lía Yájaira 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Cold Spinner 24. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Malibu Phoenix VH14-014-0063 25. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goldoak's Winnin Spook 27. birdie (VRL-14733) - Tiptoe Rock'n'Roll 28. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 29. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Denver 30. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Junior Supreme 32. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 33. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 34. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 35. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 36. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Winner Lena Ion 38. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Gold Fever 39. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 40. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 41. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Diamond Desire VH18-014-0094 42. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 43. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Exclusive Excess 4. freestyle reining 36/100 TT 1. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Exclusive Excess 3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ana Lía Yájaira 4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Becoming Wild 5. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Junior Supreme 7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Quyen M VH18-003-0123 8. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 9. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Malibu Phoenix VH14-014-0063 10. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 11. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Win Win Ionity 15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Winner Lena Ion 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Talayeh VH18-003-0011 18. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 19. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Diamond Desire VH18-014-0094 20. birdie (VRL-14733) - Tiptoe Rock'n'Roll 21. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 23. Vikinä (VRL-14760) - Dumla VH-18-055-0006 24. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Cold Spinner 26. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goldoak's Winnin Spook 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 29. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Set Go 31. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 33. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 34. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 35. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 36. birdie (VRL-14733) - Rin Tin Tin 5. versatile horse 23/100 TT 1. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 2. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 3. birdie (VRL-14733) - Tiptoe Rock'n'Roll 4. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 5. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 7. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 8. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 9. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 10. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 11. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 12. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Quyen M VH18-003-0123 14. birdie (VRL-14733) - Rin Tin Tin 15. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 16. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 17. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 18. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 19. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 20. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Talayeh VH18-003-0011 6. western riding 51/100 TT 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Lumen Lööperi 2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 3. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD That's Maddox VH11-037-0016 4. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Kentucky Shamrock VH18-009-0009 5. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - She Wolf 7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Älläm Faaraotar 8. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Runner-Up VH11-037-0018 9. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Classic Cheyenne Star VH18-014-0095 10. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 11. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Giza Eblis ox 12. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Gold Fever 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Quyen M VH18-003-0123 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Valiokas 15. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 16. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 17. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 18. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 19. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 20. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Malibu Phoenix VH14-014-0063 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 23. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 24. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 25. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aberdeen Hurricane 26. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 27. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Sirkli 29. Vikinä (VRL-14760) - Dumla VH-18-055-0006 30. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 31. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 32. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Denver 33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaunon Hiputti 34. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 35. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 36. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 37. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 38. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuiskulan Arsenikki VH16-018-1298 39. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cut the Cuteness 41. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Quintana VH11-002-0003 42. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 43. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Sally B Goode VH18-009-0018 44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Morrisoni 45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaino-Vieno 46. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Talayeh VH18-003-0011 47. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Lujuria VH18-081-0007 48. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 49. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ventoksen Untuva 50. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Christian VH11-002-0004 51. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Penny in Pocket 7. western pleasure 40/100 TT 1. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Skulking Caretaker VH17-014-0101 2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Simpler Times Hampton US VH18-014-0099 3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuonen Kaipuu 4. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cassatas Azury 6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - In Good Faith Hampton US VH18-052-0026 7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Wäinämö 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sorraya 9. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Sinners Everywhere Hampton US VH18-052-0025 10. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 11. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 12. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Giza Eblis ox 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Croquet Hampton US VH18-014-0101 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Talayeh VH18-003-0011 15. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Forte 17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - The Dismissal Hampton US VH18-052-0024 18. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Boston Red Sox VH18-014-0066 19. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 20. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 21. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gameking 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Got Sugar Tooth QHA VH18-014-0156 23. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 24. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Outdoor Hobbies Hampton US VH18-014-0100 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ghita van Khim VH18-040-0023 26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Hiatus 27. birdie (VRL-14733) - She Wolf 28. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Iago d'Alvino 30. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aberdeen Hurricane 31. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Classic Cheyenne Star VH18-014-0095 32. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 33. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 34. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Quyen M VH18-003-0123 35. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kinesma 37. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 38. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Live Flame Hampton US VH18-052-0027 39. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Lujuria VH18-081-0007 40. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Kentucky Shamrock VH18-009-0009 8. western horsemanship 38/100 TT 1. half (VRL-11734) - WE Cony's Point VH14-133-0014 2. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Kentucky Shamrock VH18-009-0009 3. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Classic Cheyenne Star VH18-014-0095 4. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuonen Kaipuu 6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 7. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 8. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Wäinämö 11. half (VRL-11734) - RHR Infinitely Beryl VH14-014-0032 12. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gameking 14. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Talayeh VH18-003-0011 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ghita van Khim VH18-040-0023 18. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Iago d'Alvino 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Hiatus 21. half (VRL-11734) - Roshaya al Najya ox VH14-003-0134 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sorraya 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 25. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Quyen M VH18-003-0123 26. birdie (VRL-14733) - She Wolf 27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Forte 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kinesma 29. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 30. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 31. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 34. half (VRL-11734) - Candyland Ion VH16-014-0065 35. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aberdeen Hurricane 36. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 37. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 38. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cassatas Azury 9. western trail 50/100 TT 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Lumen Lööperi 2. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Cajun Rose VH18-055-0005 3. half (VRL-11734) - Sandra Ghost VH12-052-0059 4. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Lujuria VH18-081-0007 5. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Blue Arleen VH14-037-0014 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 7. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Quintana VH11-002-0003 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Morrisoni 9. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 10. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 11. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Sirkli 13. half (VRL-11734) - Jaya Zhirayr ox VH14-003-0039 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083 15. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aberdeen Hurricane 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaino-Vieno 17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 18. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 19. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ventoksen Untuva 21. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176 22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cut the Cuteness 23. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 24. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 25. half (VRL-11734) - Firdaws Nazli ox VH18-003-0209 26. birdie (VRL-14733) - She Wolf 27. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Classic Cheyenne Star VH18-014-0095 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuiskulan Arsenikki VH16-018-1298 29. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 30. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Denver 31. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Kentucky Shamrock VH18-009-0009 32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Älläm Faaraotar 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 34. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KH Saif al-din VH17-003-0118 35. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 36. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD That's Maddox VH11-037-0016 37. half (VRL-11734) - Coast Lang VH14-014-0038 38. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 39. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Penny in Pocket 40. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Runner-Up VH11-037-0018 41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaunon Hiputti 42. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 43. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 44. half (VRL-11734) - Jayamey ox VH14-003-0046 45. half (VRL-11734) - Yamira Ial VH14-003-0045 46. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Valiokas 47. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 48. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Sally B Goode VH18-009-0018 49. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Crowbait VH18-055-0004 50. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Gold Fever 10. ranch trail 52/100 TT 1. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 2. birdie (VRL-14733) - Daft Punk 3. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova FE VH18-003-0230 4. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 5. half (VRL-11734) - Yamira Ial VH14-003-0045 6. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Crowbait VH18-055-0004 7. half (VRL-11734) - Jayamey ox VH14-003-0046 8. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176 10. half (VRL-11734) - Sandra Ghost VH12-052-0059 11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ventoksen Untuva 12. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Cajun Rose VH18-055-0005 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 14. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Lujuria VH18-081-0007 15. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Classic Cheyenne Star VH18-014-0095 16. birdie (VRL-14733) - She Wolf 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cut the Cuteness 18. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 19. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Revonkosken Juska VH17-018-0383 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Morrisoni 21. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KH Saif al-din VH17-003-0118 22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 23. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Älläm Faaraotar 25. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Sally B Goode VH18-009-0018 26. half (VRL-11734) - Coast Lang VH14-014-0038 27. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 28. half (VRL-11734) - Firdaws Nazli ox VH18-003-0209 29. half (VRL-11734) - Jaya Zhirayr ox VH14-003-0039 30. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aberdeen Hurricane 31. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 33. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 34. half (VRL-11734) - CHR Blue Arleen VH14-037-0014 35. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Kentucky Shamrock VH18-009-0009 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaunon Hiputti 37. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 38. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 39. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tuiskulan Arsenikki VH16-018-1298 41. birdie (VRL-14733) - Waltz Silver Sun 42. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 43. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Sirkli 44. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 45. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 46. birdie (VRL-14733) - Almendra VH18-003-0223 47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Valiokas 48. birdie (VRL-14733) - Saturno VH18-003-0219 49. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Lumen Lööperi 50. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 51. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaino-Vieno 52. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083 11. barrel racing 41/100 TT 1. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radical Notion 2. half (VRL-11734) - Arif Gadiel ox VH18-003-0215 3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion 4. birdie (VRL-14733) - Shakin' Hurricane 5. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 7. half (VRL-11734) - Belw Anytime VH14-052-0023 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 9. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Spook Returns During Moonrizing 11. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KH Saif al-din VH17-003-0118 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176 16. Lucie (VRL-01441) - Chinook's Denver 17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 18. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Runner-Up VH11-037-0018 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083 20. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 21. half (VRL-11734) - Sandra Ghost VH12-052-0059 22. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Cajun Rose VH18-055-0005 23. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 25. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 26. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Diamond Desire VH18-014-0094 27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Empress O’Ceana 28. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Crowbait VH18-055-0004 29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire 30. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 31. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 35. half (VRL-11734) - WE Alicefar Ghali ox VH12-003-0786 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Last Nite Invasion 37. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 38. half (VRL-11734) - Twilight Zone VH14-037-0063 39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Queen And Queens 40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege 41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Needlessly Attraction 12. pole bending 39/100 TT 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176 3. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Crowbait VH18-055-0004 4. half (VRL-11734) - Arif Gadiel ox VH18-003-0215 5. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 7. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 8. Lucie (VRL-01441) - DD Christian VH11-002-0004 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 10. half (VRL-11734) - WE Alicefar Ghali ox VH12-003-0786 11. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Queen And Queens 15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege 16. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Diamond Desire VH18-014-0094 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Empress O’Ceana 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Last Nite Invasion 19. half (VRL-11734) - Twilight Zone VH14-037-0063 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 22. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radical Notion 23. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Needlessly Attraction 26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KH Saif al-din VH17-003-0118 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 29. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Cajun Rose VH18-055-0005 30. half (VRL-11734) - Belw Anytime VH14-052-0023 31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Spook Returns During Moonrizing 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 33. birdie (VRL-14733) - Shakin' Hurricane 34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire 35. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion 37. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 38. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 39. half (VRL-11734) - Sandra Ghost VH12-052-0059 13. keyhole race 45/100 TT 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Queen And Queens 2. half (VRL-11734) - Belw Anytime VH14-052-0023 3. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083 5. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blitz Dee VH18-014-0119 6. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KH Saif al-din VH17-003-0118 8. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176 9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion 10. half (VRL-11734) - Twilight Zone VH14-037-0063 11. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Crowbait VH18-055-0004 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Last Nite Invasion 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Unfitting Jay VH18-014-0121 14. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Tutored Chivalry VH18-014-0124 15. half (VRL-11734) - WE Alicefar Ghali ox VH12-003-0786 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Animated Corps VH18-014-0108 17. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 18. birdie (VRL-14733) - Sierra Neverending Monday VH18-014-0195 19. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Needlessly Attraction 21. half (VRL-11734) - Sandra Ghost VH12-052-0059 22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 23. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 24. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Brainwashed VH18-014-0133 25. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 26. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radical Notion 27. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Admiral Pointless VH18-014-0131 29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Spook Returns During Moonrizing 30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - E.T. Voluutti VH16-018-2752 31. birdie (VRL-14733) - Shakin' Hurricane 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Wildwind Spook VH18-014-0120 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Pinch Kiss VH18-014-0118 34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege 35. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire 37. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 38. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Appa's Pigwidgeon VH18-037-0026 39. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 40. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 41. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Diamond Desire VH18-014-0094 42. half (VRL-11734) - Arif Gadiel ox VH18-003-0215 43. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Cajun Rose VH18-055-0005 44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 45. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Blossoming Bloom VH18-014-0132 14. cutting 50/100 TT 1. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sorraya 3. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crooked Slush VH18-014-0110 4. half (VRL-11734) - Armoured VH14-014-0037 5. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Yazy VH14-052-0071 6. half (VRL-11734) - Prior To Upbeat VH14-014-0042 7. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Puniest Insular VH18-014-0129 8. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Forte 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Namys Ms. Nightingale 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Adalberon VH18-037-0025 14. half (VRL-11734) - Arya VH14-014-0041 15. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Flickering Madame VH18-014-0154 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crumbliest Masochist VH18-014-0111 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Empress O’Ceana 19. half (VRL-11734) - Mal Yazmin VH12-052-0040 20. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Incognito Max VH18-014-0115 22. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 23. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 24. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cut the Cuteness 26. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 27. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 28. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 29. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Desire VH12-052-0061 30. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Imaginable Unveiling VH18-014-0130 31. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Arizing Honey 33. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 34. half (VRL-11734) - WE Ghost Street VH12-052-0060 35. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ekkostirling 37. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 38. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 39. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 40. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Fast Destruction VH18-037-0024 41. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Contaminating Shoshore VH18-014-0109 42. birdie (VRL-14733) - Russian Roulette 43. half (VRL-11734) - Black Smoke VH14-052-0021 44. half (VRL-11734) - Imperfection VH14-014-0043 45. half (VRL-11734) - B.B. Give a Speech VH16-014-0093 46. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Balloon Drops VH18-037-0027 47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Iago d'Alvino 48. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 49. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 50. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 15. reined cow horse 43/100 TT 1. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Namys Ms. Nightingale 3. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 4. half (VRL-11734) - Prior To Upbeat VH14-014-0042 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Arizing Honey 7. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Imaginable Unveiling VH18-014-0130 8. half (VRL-11734) - Arya VH14-014-0041 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 11. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 12. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Yazy VH14-052-0071 13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Contaminating Shoshore VH18-014-0109 14. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crumbliest Masochist VH18-014-0111 17. half (VRL-11734) - Armoured VH14-014-0037 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goldoak's Winnin Spook 19. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crooked Slush VH18-014-0110 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Panthers Are Not Alone 21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Incognito Max VH18-014-0115 22. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 24. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Flickering Madame VH18-014-0154 25. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ana Lía Yájaira 27. half (VRL-11734) - Imperfection VH14-014-0043 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose 29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Two Black Capitals 30. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Desire VH12-052-0061 31. half (VRL-11734) - Black Smoke VH14-052-0021 32. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Fast Destruction VH18-037-0024 33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jewel Range Rico VH15-014-0048 34. half (VRL-11734) - WE Ghost Street VH12-052-0060 35. half (VRL-11734) - Mal Yazmin VH12-052-0040 36. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Balloon Drops VH18-037-0027 37. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Puniest Insular VH18-014-0129 38. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Adalberon VH18-037-0025 39. half (VRL-11734) - B.B. Give a Speech VH16-014-0093 40. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ekkostirling 42. birdie (VRL-14733) - Russian Roulette 43. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 16. calf roping 40/100 TT 1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Incognito Max VH18-014-0115 3. birdie (VRL-14733) - Spacetime Singularity 4. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crumbliest Masochist VH18-014-0111 5. half (VRL-11734) - Imperfection VH14-014-0043 6. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Desire VH12-052-0061 7. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 8. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crooked Slush VH18-014-0110 9. half (VRL-11734) - Armoured VH14-014-0037 10. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Meamolla VH18-014-0141 11. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Imaginable Unveiling VH18-014-0130 12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Contaminating Shoshore VH18-014-0109 13. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 14. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Quac this way VH18-072-0017 15. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Qilahar VH18-052-0030 16. half (VRL-11734) - Arya VH14-014-0041 17. birdie (VRL-14733) - Russian Roulette 18. half (VRL-11734) - B.B. Give a Speech VH16-014-0093 19. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Kodak Yellow VH18-014-0196 20. Crimis (VRL-10480) - Nimr Ibn Naibn VH18-003-0052 21. half (VRL-11734) - Prior To Upbeat VH14-014-0042 22. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Touch of sun VH18-014-0159 23. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Puniest Insular VH18-014-0129 24. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Yazy VH14-052-0071 25. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 26. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Adalberon VH18-037-0025 29. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 30. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 31. birdie (VRL-14733) - A Tribute Daredevil VH18-014-0191 32. half (VRL-11734) - Black Smoke VH14-052-0021 33. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Balloon Drops VH18-037-0027 34. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Flickering Madame VH18-014-0154 35. half (VRL-11734) - WE Ghost Street VH12-052-0060 36. birdie (VRL-14733) - Palm Tree Escape 37. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Rocky II VH18-014-0140 38. Jirka (VRL- 14535) - Unnaluuna VH18-014-0139 39. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Fast Destruction VH18-037-0024 40. half (VRL-11734) - Mal Yazmin VH12-052-0040 17. breakaway roping 40/100 TT 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - CHR Starr Coyotero 2. half (VRL-11734) - Arya VH14-014-0041 3. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Blood Moon Rising VH18-014-0092 4. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Contaminating Shoshore VH18-014-0109 5. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Yazy VH14-052-0071 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aamirah bint Nasim VH18-003-0153 7. half (VRL-11734) - WE Ghost Street VH12-052-0060 8. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crumbliest Masochist VH18-014-0111 9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Arizing Honey 10. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Dundees Tex Supreme VH18-014-0193 11. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Nu Golden Gunner VH18-014-0093 12. half (VRL-11734) - Black Smoke VH14-052-0021 13. half (VRL-11734) - Armoured VH14-014-0037 14. half (VRL-11734) - Prior To Upbeat VH14-014-0042 15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally 16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Fast Destruction VH18-037-0024 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Borivoj SE VH18-003-0185 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Lakota Spirit 20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goldoak's Winnin Spook 21. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Joakim's Ayesha 22. birdie (VRL-14733) - Russian Roulette 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Until Dawn 24. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sayyid Amir al Rayydan VH18-003-0092 25. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Incognito Max VH18-014-0115 26. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Imaginable Unveiling VH18-014-0130 27. half (VRL-11734) - Imperfection VH14-014-0043 28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Crooked Slush VH18-014-0110 29. Sylvi (VRL-08179) - Amarilla By Morning VH18-014-0096 30. half (VRL-11734) - WE Black Desire VH12-052-0061 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Beatriz VH18-003-0079 32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Namys Ms. Nightingale 33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire 34. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Puniest Insular VH18-014-0129 35. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Balloon Drops VH18-037-0027 36. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Flickering Madame VH18-014-0154 37. half (VRL-11734) - B.B. Give a Speech VH16-014-0093 38. half (VRL-11734) - Mal Yazmin VH12-052-0040 39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ana Lía Yájaira 40. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Adalberon VH18-037-0025
koristekuvat © Alla Berlezova Photography
virtuaalitalli / a sim-game stable
Ulkoasu © Hapero //
Taustakuva © halfrain (CC BY-SA 2.0) //
Kaikki muu ellei toisin mainita © Faye VRL-11299